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fingers and general abashed cheekbones of another world. So the Indian brothers began talking about us in low voices and commenting; you saw them look, and size, and compare mutualities of impression, or correct and modify, .Yeh, yeh., while Dean and Stan and I commented on them in English. .Will you d-i-g that weird brother in the back that hasnt moved from that post and hasnt by one cut hair diminished the intensity of the glad funny bashfulness of his smile? And the one to my left here, older, more sure of himself but sad. like hung-up, like a bum even maybe, in town, while Victor is respectably married - hes like a gawddam Egyptian king, that you see. These guys are real cats. Aint never seen anything like it. And theyre talking a canada goose retailer nd wondering about us, like see? Just like canada goose retailer we are but

one, as suddenly as lamps, these windows dim as the sunlight ebbs, drawing across the development and across the tan fenced land waiting for planting and a golf course that at the distance could be a long pasture except for the yellow beans of sand, which are traps. Rabbit pauses at the end of the alley, where he has an open view. He used to caddy over there. Pricked by an indefinite urgency, he turns away, going left on Jackson Road, where he lived for twenty years. His parent canada goose retailer s home is in a two-family brick house on the corner; but it is their neighbors, the Bolgers, who ha canada goose retailer d the corner half, with a narrow side yard Mrs. Angstrom had always envied. TheBolgerswindows gettingallthatlightandherewesitwedgedin. Rabbit stealthily approaches his old home on the grass, hopping the little barberry

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resettle, chuffling, behind them. A derelict stretches an arm along the back of a bench to dry, and out of a gouged face daintily sneezes like a cat. A few toughs, fourteen or younger, smo canada goose retailer ke and jab near the locked equipment shed of a play pavilion on whose yellow boards someone has painted in red TEX & JOSIE, RITA & JAY. Where would they get red paint? canada goose retailer He takes Ruths hand. The ornamental pool in front of the bandshell is drained and scum-stained; they move along a path parallel to the curve of its cold lip, which echoes back the bandshells silence. A World War II tank, made a monument, points its empty guns at far-off clay tennis courts. The nets are not up, the lines unlimed. Trees darken; pavilions slide downhill. They walk through the upper region of the park, which delinquents haunt

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I wish they hadnt let her in. I didnt want to see her. I wanted to see you. Did you, God. Why, baby? After Ive been so crummy. No you havent. They told me you were here and all the while I was thinking then it was your baby and it was like I was having you.Im so full of ether its just like Im floating; without any legs. I could just t canada goose retailer alk and talk. She puts her hands on her stomach and closes her eyes and smiles. Im really quite drunk. See, Im flat. Now you can wear your bathing suit, he says, smiling and entering the drift of her ether-talk, feeling himself as if he has no legs and is floating on his back on a great sea of cleanness, light as a bubble amid the starched sheets and germless surfaces canada goose retailer before dawn. Fear and regret are dissolved, and gratitude is blown so large it has no cutting

and puts them on. She asks, Why cant you try to imagine how I feel?Ive just had a baby. I can. I can but I dont want to, its not the thing, the thing is how Ifeel. And I feel like getting out. Dont. Harry. Dont. You can just canada goose retailer lie there with y canada goose retailer our precious ass. Kiss it for me. Oh for Gods sake, she cries, and flounces under the covers, and smashes her face down into her pillow. Even this late he might have stayed if she hadnt accepted defeat by doing this. His need to love her is by, so theres no reason to go. Hes stopped loving her at last so he might as well lie down beside her and to sleep. But she asks for it, lying there in a muddle sobbing, and outside, down in the town, a motor guns and he thinks of the air and the trees and streets stretching bare under the streetlamps and goes out

flies. Silence. The Lord is my shepherd: therefore can I lack nothing. Eccles voice is fragile outdoors. The distant buzz of the power mower halts respectfully. Rabbits chest vibrates w canada goose retailer ith excitement and strength; he is sure his girl has ascended to Heaven. This feeling fills Eccles recited words like a living body a skin. O God, whose most dear Son did take little children into his arms and bless them; Give us Grace, we beseech thee, to entrust the soul of this canada goose retailer child to thy never-failing care and love, and bring us all to the heavenly kingdom; through the same thy Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Amen, Mrs. Springer whispers. Yes. That is how it is. He feels them all, the heads as still around him as tombstones, he feels them all one, all one with the grass, with the hothouse flowers,